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The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Stage 3 (CD’Siz)

ISBN : 1000320001762
Stokta Var Stokta Var
95,00 TL
82,65 TL
Öne Çıkan Bilgiler:

TheCurious Case of Benjamin Button:What happens when a baby, Benjamin Button, opens his eyes to the world as a 70-year-old oldman? It is a disappoint mentand source of “embarrassment” for his parents. His fatherexpectshimto be a normal child, andignoresthefactthat he is definitely an unusualcase. He lives his life backwardsandthis is verydifficultfor Benjamin too. However, despiteallthe hard circumstances he has tolivewith, he falls in love, getsmarried, joinsthearmy, has a son andlives his life fullyuntilonedayeverythingdarkensforhim.

Tür : Dil Öğrenimi - Sözlük - Referans Kitaplar
Sayfa Sayısı : 64
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Yayın Tarihi : 7/2019
Boyut : 12.50 x 19.50
Kağıt Tipi : 2. Hamur
ISBN Numarası : 1000320001762
Dil : İngilizce
Daha Fazla Engin Yayınevi
Daha Fazla Roman
Marka Adı: Engin Yayınevi
09.03.2025 tarihine kadar kargoda


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TheCurious Case of Benjamin Button:What happens when a baby, Benjamin Button, opens his eyes to the world as a 70-year-old oldman? It is a disappoint mentand source of “embarrassment” for his parents. His fatherexpectshimto be a normal child, andignoresthefactthat he is definitely an unusualcase. He lives his life backwardsandthis is verydifficultfor Benjamin too. However, despiteallthe hard circumstances he has tolivewith, he falls in love, getsmarried, joinsthearmy, has a son andlives his life fullyuntilonedayeverythingdarkensforhim.

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